Constantly craving Sugar and Caffeine?    

Maybe you need REAL Energy!

Top 10 Superfoods Food You Need to Start Eating

Sprouts  I specifically wanted Sprouts (germinated beans, seed or nuts) at the top of my list for being a superfood champ. Besides being a real economical food source. There are so many reasons why adding this 'live' food to your diet will help you meet your energy needs. Here is a quick list.

*The best reason to sprout is nutrition.  Locked in the tiny seed is the power to reproduce an entire plant.    When a seed begins to grow, enzymes are activated, releasing the seed’s nutritional content.  For example, unprocessed wheat kernels (also called wheat berries) contain 28.0 grams of folic acid (a B vitamin).  When sprouted, the wheat kernel contains 106 grams.  In fact, all B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C and E increase.

*Sprouted beans and grains contain essential amino acids, the “building blocks” of protein.  The amino acids and sugars contained in sprouts are in digestible form.

*Sprouts are also a good source of lecithin, which aids in fat breakdown and digestion and can help reduce cholesterol.

*Sprouts contain other minerals that are easily digested – minerals that are also contained in seeds, but cannot be assimilated because of phytic acid, an insoluable compound.  Sprouting breaks the phytic bond, allowing minerals to be absorbed.

*Sprouts are also the best source of natural chelates.  As seeds germinate, the complex proteins are broken down into their amino acid components which hook up (chelate) to vitamins and minerals.  These natural chelates are enzymes, those complex organic substances that accelerate body processes.

*The greening of the sprouts indicates an increase in chlorophyll, which many nutritionists recommend in the diet.  It is believed to help cleanse the blood, aid in food digestion, stimulate and produce new tissue growth and combat mouth and throat diseases.

There are several great websites with more great info, tips, precautions and how to instructions on growing your own sprouts.

Legumes and Lentils

Beans are low in fat (except for soybeans), calories, and sodium, but high in complex carbohydrates and dietary fibre, and they offer modest amounts of essential fatty acids—mostly Omega-6s. They are also an excellent source of protein. Legumes and lentils offer ample fibre (one cup of cooked beans can provide as much as 15 grams of dietary fibre, more than half the recommended “daily value” of 25 grams and are released into the bloodstream slowly, providing energy and fullness for a sustained period. Beans can be added to salads, pureed and served as a dip or added to soup and chili.

Dark Green Vegetables such as Spinach, Broccoli and Kale
These foods are packed full of nutrition. Green vegetables contain phytochemicals, which are suggested to assist in the prevention of cancer and boost your immune system. Green veggies are packed with vitamins A, C, and K, folate, potassium, magnesium, iron and fibre. Eat these vegetables raw, steamed, stir-fried, roasted or grilled.

Citrus Fruit

Grapefruit, oranges, lemons and limes. Citrus fruits are a good source of folate and potassium, with small amounts of magnesium, calcium, and other nutrients. They are often rich in fiber — notably pectin, a soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol. One medium orange has 3 grams of fiber. They also contain dozens of phytochemicals, including carotenoids and limonoids. Citrus fruits are good sources of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin C has antioxidant capabilities that protect cells from damaging free radicals and help to limit carcinogen formation. These effects may help to prevent heart disease and some cancers, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. Vitamin C plays a role in the biosynthesis of collagen, a connective tissue essential for healing of cuts and wounds. Vitamin C in citrus fruits also helps the body absorb iron from plant sources, such as vegetables and legumes.


Coconut is truly a wonder fruit! Cocnut water and milk have a host of vitamins and mineral, mostly high in iron and zinc. The meat is very high in fibre and MCT's.

Compelling research has shown that Coconut oil, Virgin and Fractionated, are the real powerhouse in this superfood.

Coconut oil contains a high concentration of Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCT) oils, which are a special class of fats that are digested and handled by the body in a different way than most fats.  Almost all other dietary oils and fats are mostly, if not entirely, long chain triglycerides (LCT), requiring digestive enzymes and bile to be digested.

Unlike LCT, once MCT enter the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, they are rapidly absorbed into the portal vein and sent straight to your liver where they are used as a source of fuel to generate quick energy therefore is less likely to be stored as body fat. MCTs are such an easy source of fuel, they are even more likely to be burned off than low-fat fare. When MCT is metabolized in the body, it behaves like a carbohydrate not a fat. MCT has a thermogenic effect in the body, helping you to stay slim by keeping your body fat levels down while keeping energy levels up. MCT oil is easily absorbed by the body and is therefore ideal for individuals with digestive problems. For those with Crohn's and irritable bowel syndrome, the healing effects of MCT oil could be beneficial. MCTs also have antiviral and antimicrobal properties which promotes intestinal health by killing troublesome microorganisms that may cause chronic inflammation.

Diabetics could benefit from using MCT oil as it helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Supplementation of MCT oil began as a fat source to help treat diseases such as cystic fibrosis, obesity and fat malabsorption. Bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts have used MCT for its fat burning and energy-sustaining powers. It is thought that MCTs stimulate production of thyroid hormone, improving thyroid function boosting metabolism.

Nuts and Seeds
Both have gotten a bad rap because of their high fat content. But their protein, heart-healthy Omega-3 fats, high fibre, and antioxidant content earn them a place on the top 10 list. The key to enjoying nuts is portion control. A closed fist handful is approximately 100 calories.  Nuts add texture and flavour to salads, side dishes, baked goods, cereals, and entrees. They also make a delicious snack on their own.
Try to avoid nuts and seeds that are roasted with oil  salt or sugar. Raw or sprouted will have the best flavor and higher nutrient content.

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) provides a wide range of vitamins and minerals. This supergrain seed contains more protein than most cereal grains and is considered a complete protein because it contains all eight of the essential amino acids we need for tissue development. Quinoa is higher in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, and zinc, and lower in sodium compared with wheat, barley and corn. This gluten-free grain also receives recognition for being low in saturated fat. Quinoa is as easy to prepare and can be eaten alone or mixed with vegetables, nuts, or lean protein for a whole-grain medley.

Salmon and other cold-water fish (e.g. tuna, mackerel and halibut) contain oils that are rich in Omega-3. This "good fat" will protect your arteries against plaque build up and is effective in lowering the "bad" cholesterol. Omega 3’s have also been suggested to assist with brain function and reduced inflammation in people with arthritis. Fish is also packed with muscle -building protein. Stay away from the breaded and deep fat fried variety... they don’t count in your goal of 6-9 ounces of fish per week.

Yogurt, Greek Yogurt and Kifir   

  This fermented form of milk contains a  great source or protein, calcium and Vitimin D. The power force in this food is that it is full of Probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria. You've probably noticed the terms "active cultures" and/or "lactobacillus/acidophilus" on the packages of yogurt. These are good things that really aid your digestive system. If these good bacteria aren't present in great numbers, your body is more susceptible to disease and sickness. Scientists have also found probiotics to improve nutrient absorption, decrease the chances of diarrhea and constipation. And acidophilus helps reduce the number of carcinogens in the colon.

Again this a a food that needs to be as plain and unprocessed as possible to have beneficial effects. Look for yogurt that is low fat, with no added sugar or corn-based fillers.

if you are avoiding dairy, other foods like  soy yogurt, Kimchi, or lactobacillus/acidophilus/bifidus supplements are other great options to get raise the amount of healthy intestinal bacteria.

Green Tea, and  Cinnamon                                                                                                            

I had to group these 2 together because they're not exactly a complete "food". However they are super in the fact that they have stepped into the research spot light when it comes to having a positive effect on energy metabolism. Both contain vitamin C and E, as well phytochemicals, including flavonoids, tannins, catechins and polyphenols. Phytochemicals are antioxidant substances found in plants that support health and help to prevent disease. Both help to prevent free radical-induced damage to your cells and DNA, and may even repair cellular damage that has already taken place. They also help to destroy carcinogens, or cancer-causing substances, in your body. Some studies have shown Both Green tea and Cinnamon effective increasing one's insulin sensitivity resulting in balanced blood sugar. this is promising for those managing  Type 2 Diabetes.

Want To Change Your Diet To Have More Energy? Keep It Simple.

*Start by adding more FRESH CLEAN fruits and veggies into your diet and drinking more water at least 2-3 L  (plain tea, coffee and juices can be counted as water- but try and limit the amount of caffeine as it dehydrates the body.)  Look for fruits and veggies that are colorful, flavorful and start exploring the world or herbs and spices! The extra  soluble fibre, and water will begin the digestive flush you'll need to get the body off the sugar and salt rollercoaster and help lower your LDL cholesterol ('bad' cholesterol)

*Aim to eliminate processed foods from your diet. This is anything that comes in a plastic wrapper, container, or box. Try and trace those processed foods back to their source and choose the whole grain version. For instance, ditch your Cheerios and buy whole grain oats. Processed foods are a nutritional nightmare as whole food is broken-down cooked, boiled baked, bleached, practically pre-digested sometimes so much so there is no color or flavor left- so artificial flavor and color is added.  Since the nutrients have been pounded out- vitamins and minerals have to be added back sometimes with a whole host of other diet roadblocks sugar, salt and transfats.

* Supplements - BE CHOOSEY - FIND UNBIASED RESEARCH And Science-based studies! Lots of supplements out there are a complete waste of your money. There are things looking into such as new research on OMEGA 3 oils, and  Probiotics to name a couple; these however also have a whole source: Salmon/ Flax and Yogurt. Our bodies have an amazing system of breaking things down, and elimination with the right diet- so you can ditch the 'detox' pills.

* Everything in moderation! if you are looking to lose weight, the math is simple - eat a little less energy than what you expend in a day. Extra calories in = extra weight. As well- be CHOOSEY- it is also about what you eat! Whatever you do eat- choose nutrient dense foods to feel a sense of satiety.

* Get moving! Aim for at least 30min of moderate exercise a day. Walk your dog, go for a bike ride- and eventually work up to joining a exercise class or moderate to high intensity activity for 45-1 hr, 2-3 times a week. Mix it up with strength building exercises, using weights and cardio. The extra exercise will improve your digestion. Exercise also releases the endorphins in your body that have  natural stress-fighting properties, which can in the long run regulate your cortisol levels.

So what if you exercise and eat healthy and still feel exhausted and still can't seem to lose or maintain your weight? The answer maybe hormones.  The big one: Cortisol.  This is an absolute necessary hormone that is naturally produced in your body in times of stress. Cortisol is produced when you exercise but is also produced when you're under work pressure, mental and emotional stress of any kind. The problem really comes down to having consistently high level of this hormone. Your body responds by storing fat and burning muscle.

 The important thing to remember is start slowly when changing your diet and lifestyle. It is no and easy feat when work and life stresses fall into play. But only You have the power to make these changes. And once you start feeling the new, stronger you, your 'diet' and 'exercise' will just simply become your lifestyle, an investment for your new Retirement Plan.  

"I am not a human being; I am a human becoming."  ~Author Unknown


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